double denominations

last updated: 11/17/09, 12:24 PM
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March 2025

by valid (11/17/09, 12:24 PM)
Gelesen: Die Vermessung der Welt
Ich hab mehr davon erwartet. Dass ich was über Humboldt...
by valid (6/11/09, 4:09 PM)
The author's not dead Ein
Zombie oder eine Wiederauferstehung: Artikel von Felix Philipp Ingold über...
by valid (7/10/08, 2:28 PM)
die leerstelle Ich hab ja
bei Arbeit 2.0 über das Buch "Schicht! Arbeitsreportagen für die...
by valid (7/1/08, 1:26 PM)
Gelesen: Feuchtgebiete Im Gegensatz
zum Kehlmann-Buch fand ich Feuchtgebiete großartig. Ingeborg Harms hat das am...
by valid (5/9/08, 12:49 PM)

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grasping meaning

An asset of English is that it has a grammar of great simplicity and flexibility. Nouns and adjectives have highly simplified word-endings. This flexibility extends to the parts of speach themslevles. Nouns can become verbs and verbs nouns in a way that is impossible in other languages ...

McCrum et al., The Story of English, 1992

This flexibility accounts for a sliding and flexibility of meaning, too. When I had to translate a theoretical text about gender into German recently it was sometimes difficult to find the appropriate structure. The English text worked with this ambiguities between word classes where it was not always clear if a word was a noun or a verb. In German you have a comparatively rigid grammatical structure that has to be followed. So the meaning is fixed and rigid, too.

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