double denominations

last updated: 11/17/09, 12:24 PM
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March 2025

by valid (11/17/09, 12:24 PM)
Gelesen: Die Vermessung der Welt
Ich hab mehr davon erwartet. Dass ich was über Humboldt...
by valid (6/11/09, 4:09 PM)
The author's not dead Ein
Zombie oder eine Wiederauferstehung: Artikel von Felix Philipp Ingold über...
by valid (7/10/08, 2:28 PM)
die leerstelle Ich hab ja
bei Arbeit 2.0 über das Buch "Schicht! Arbeitsreportagen für die...
by valid (7/1/08, 1:26 PM)
Gelesen: Feuchtgebiete Im Gegensatz
zum Kehlmann-Buch fand ich Feuchtgebiete großartig. Ingeborg Harms hat das am...
by valid (5/9/08, 12:49 PM)

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Was haben flimmernde bildschirme mit schlecht gelaunten russen zu tun

Chaadeev denounced the cultural isolation and mediocritiy of Russia; he denounced, too, the intellectual impotence of the Russian elite, of which he himself was a member. "Our memories" he wrote
    reach back no further than yesterday; we are, as it were, strangers to ourselves.... That is but a natural consequence of a culture that consists entirely of imports and imitation.... We absorb all our ideas ready-made, and therefore the indelible trace left in the mind by a progressive movement, which gives it strength, does not shape our intellect.... We are like children who have not been taught to think for themselves: when they become adults, they have nothing of their own - all their knowledge is on the surface of their being, their soul is not within them.
found in Pankaj Mishra's introduction to V.S. Naipaul's essay anthology Literary occasions

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